Sunday, 15 July 2012

Here are some more unused or sketche book pages that I am making into a little "extras" style comic. After playing around with a few formats I've come back to a square one, 3rd A3 easy and cheap to print.

1 comment:

Craig Collins said...

Hey Andy,

You gave me some of your comics at the Edinburgh Stripped Fair, and I was looking for a way to get in touch and tell you that I really liked them!

Very cool stuff, interesting to see how you've melded a dark and foreboding ancient and alien atmosphere with a lighter feeling adventure plot (at least, that's how it appeared to me).

Very cool stuff - tather than stick it in a cupboard or a box, I've passed them onto a friend who I thought would really dig it. Spreading those spores across the cosmos, if you like!

Cheers man, hope you get this!

Craig Collins