Wednesday, 30 September 2009


The Bobby McGee's are a great act. Their songs about the bitterness and misunderstandings in relationships are just eye wateringly funny. I was amazed to find out that they are actually a very happy, quiet couple. Writing songs that remind me of my darkest thoughts in my worst relationships. They have the idea to do a piss take of the bittersweet symphony video, only with zombies in Brighton. I'll post the results.


I have been working in and around the print trade since i left school. It has always been there for me. Like an angry dysfunctional parent. Pulling me in and working me into the ground.

There is always a crazy deadline in the print trade - especially as digital print and cheaper foreign printers offer more services. Always a panic. I recently decide to take, what i hope will be a long, break from the lovely factory life to teach Pilate's and continue illustration and animating.

Before i left - one of the printers and middle men we did a lot of work with - did me the great favour of a final free print run. The chance to get my flyers printed for my new Pilates work and to let the world see a couple of pieces that took more time out of my life to colour than they should have. Thank you Jason, Barry and Concord Press.

The cards are available free from me as are what's left of my comics runs.

And this is the link to my Pilates site -


My rewarding and continuing work on Barnardos workshops in a great leanrning curve, art wise.

Here's a couple of random pieces that i enjoyed doing.


I have known Tom Eglington for many years. I am so glad to see that he is finally available in print - his fantastic childrens book "THE SPELLBOUND HOTEL" can be found at the following link on amazon -
I have worked on a more than a few projects with Tom and on the back end of an animation series, we helped develope, we decided to try and animate a character that started as a comic series idea - a few years previous. KIMMON is a great character that has courted many interested paries over the years. Now an american childrens book company want to reimagine Kimmon as an illustrated book. Which would be great. I held off putting these pieces up so as not to jepodise our chances of a deal - but now i'm sure Kimmon has sunk into a pile of submisssions on someones desk - here he is. I'll ask Tom if i can put the full version of chapter one up for y'all.