Monday, 15 November 2010


So Whitenight was a big release for me - followed by a few days of headaches. Anyway it was a good night but it needs more outdoor stuff to reall work. The evnts spaces in Brighton are tiny and you queue for forty minutes to stand in an over heated room while some naked person reads out shit poetry. Our projections were brilliant - It's supposed to be white night - light up the city!! Also coincided with Halloween (Samhuinn) this year and a zombie walk in town. We didn't do any of that but we did manage to celebrate Joanas birthday by painting on skulls.

He's a pic of us outside the house we projected on.

the man who celebrated everything

So what is it with folk who don't celebrate their own birthday's?

What is that about? I'm sure it's about many things for many different people. But this one friend is the first to be happy for you if you've just finished an exam, built something - in fact pretty much anything - he'll be happy for you. But his own birthday slips by every year.

I don't know why it pisses me off but it does - if you're one of those people - STOP IT.

Allow yer mates to be happy for you. Happy you exist.


Wow - the end of the summer got really busy - arts wise. The WhiteNight project reached it's conclusion - the comic promoted the projetion that continued the story onto the walls of the building the c0mic was set in. Half way through the projections a dance group dressed in period costume jumped out of the building - like the dreamers awakening - and really tok the whole thing to another level. Heres some of the pages of the comic that I had a hand in.