Saturday, 28 February 2009

birthday cards

Then a break from Celph and just simple brush work - over the summer and a pile of birthday cards - i scanned before i gave out.


I really started to play about with colouring again, and there was a chance i would be able to get the next Celph printed in colour. Sadly for me, because i love black and white, people really loved the colour samples i made up - which locked me into thinking about things differently.

Thursday, 26 February 2009


Book two came easier, but still took four months to draw.

Tim Boland wrote a great story for "Whitey". and there are still a few issues left, posted on request.

Monday, 9 February 2009


Okay more Celph - this is the start of an unpublished and previously unseen episode.

Thursday, 5 February 2009


Then the INCREDIBLES came out, it blew me away. It had the perfect level of cartoonyness to reality on the figures and world view. It inspired me to start drawing again and that the style i was wanting to go for was workable. And so – from a simple sketch of a girl in an organic space suit – sprang CELPH. Tuffy joined her from Srub n Tuffy and they set off on their wanderings. Here’ s a few pages from issue one – which is still available from me on request.

mo' abe


So only two years in Brighton and i was already working on an animated series – (which i can’t mention here for copyright reason.) I earned enough money to travel to Australia and plus now I could do Flash animation. When we got back I began on another series with the same crew Daz and Tom. Based on a background character that Tom worked up into a brilliant lone gunman scifi bounty hunter called ABE. But thebills needed to be paid and with half an animated episode ABE got put on the back burner. I was still busy with illustration work but sank into a dark hole with personal projects. Featured above - Tom and I worked up an origin story in comic format so i put a few of my fave pages.